Watch on YouTube here: 2 Week Diet to Get Ripped | How to Lose Weight in 2 Weeks Diet Plan – 2 Weeks Diet Review
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The right move to make in order for you to lean down in two weeks or less is to cut out unhealthy foods for the time being. I know it is common sense but you really need to follow it and have a strict focus for at least 5 out of the 7 days of the week. You also need to cut out certain foods that we will get to later on in this article. But you need to understand that eating healthy is key to a two-week transformation.
What To Eat To Getting Ripped
repeat a lot of greens and vegetables. It is so important to eat veggies especially for your first meal of the day. Stay inside your calories or the process of how you determine the amount of food you are going to intake. Hence, I don’t count calories. But make sure you are eating salads, spinach, broccoli, etc. Also, don’t cook them with high-calorie condiments. Steam everything and use oil and vinegar for your salad.
Now Let’s Get To Work
It’s not all in the food intake to getting ripped in TWO WEEKS or less. You must put in the work of physical activity. A weight training workout plan is key to building muscle but what about getting ripped? As I type this on the treadmill I see a bunch of fat guys lined up to get the next lift in on the flat bench at the gym.
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The Treadmill
Become friends with the treadmill. If you hate the treadmill treat it like a business partner or a girl you are going to have a one night stand with. The treadmill is key to getting ripped in two weeks or less whether you like it or not. Now it’s not only the treadmill, it’s the work that is applied on the treadmill that will get you shredded.
Devoting Days To Only Cardio
Setting days aside to not lift but to be your new best friend (the treadmill) is so important to get ripped in two weeks or faster. A low intensity walks for 40-60 minutes while you play on your phone will do wonders.( I am not joking!) Either you are doing HIIT or a low-intensity workout (like a long walk) can burn calories and get you ripped in two weeks.
Don’t Lose The Muscle
In order for you to not lose the muscle I suggest trying branched chained amino acids (BCAA). Again I wrote much about this in other articles but I will keep it short and sweet. Sip on BCAA while you are working out so you don’t lose your hard earned muscle.
The Full Body Workout
For getting ripped as your main goal in two weeks or less I would recommend a full body workout plan.
In Conclusion
It is possible to get ripped in two weeks or less. Don’t let anyone tell you different. Although it does depend on what level of fitness you’re on at the current moment. If you are fat then you should work on losing fat and NOT focus on getting ripped YET. Get to a level of fitness where you’re at a good amount of body fat then you can get ripped in two weeks or less.
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2 Week Diet to Get Ripped | How to Lose Weight in 2 Weeks Diet Plan – 2 Weeks Diet Review
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