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The first one is hanging leg raises, and this is going to work your abs of course, but it’s also going to integrate the use of your hip flexors. For these, I’ll usually do about 3 sets of 10-20 reps, whatever burns them out. Don’t forget the key part of this – blow all your air out before you contract your abs and bring your legs up.
If you want to really isolate your abs and not allow your hip flexors to become integrated into the hanging leg raise movement, you can start with them already contracted and your knees raised, and then do a hard crunch with your abs to raise your hips up.
I also want to show you guys the proper way to do cable crunches – because most guys I see doing this are doing it incorrectly. You want to focus on the crunching movement from your sternum to your belly button. Most guys, when they’re doing cable crunches…. They’re really doing most of the work from their hips. To do this correctly, keep the cables right at your forehead, and like I said – just focus on that sternum to belly button movement.
We can also stay on the cable machine so that we can do side cable crunches and really work on those extra little muscles that tie into the abs that really set a ripped midsection apart from simply just having six pack abs. Hold the cables with both hands on one side, and even though it’s a small movement…. Just squeeze those muscles on the side and tightly crunch that little section.
Next up, we’re going to try hanging leg raises again, except this time we’re going to crunch slightly to the side to get those obliques and serratus muscles again.
Last thing – to really focus more on the lower abdominal muscles (although to see those abs you really need to focus better on your clean eating)… We’re doing weighted V-ups, attaching a cable strap around the ankles.
Six Pack Abs After 40, Demonstrations:
– Hanging Leg Raises
– Isolated Leg Raises
– Cable Crunches
– Side Cable Crunches
– Oblique Hanging Leg Raises
– Weighted V-Ups
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Abs After 40 | Six Pack Abs After 40 – Top 5 Ab Exercises For Men Over 40
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